Saturday, December 19, 2009


Sunday, December 6, 2009


Thursday, November 12, 2009



Thursday, October 8, 2009


Friday, September 4, 2009

Another mix media. I found that this method is very interesting and create a very beautiful art work. It have a very high potential in some aspect.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lotus

My exploration.
This is a mix media lotus art work. Which is combine of watercolor on A4 paper and photoshop. The photoshop technique is trying to present from ink pen to Chinese painting, which emphasis on the brush stroke. And the old yellowish paper to present a sense of old Chinese painting. Somehow, the Chinese painting line with combine with still a bit of pen line which we still manage to see have create a new technique style!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sometimes I find it very fun to take the photo of the painting in different angle. It give you different feel, as it's different painting. And playing with the effect of photoshop, control the brightness and dark of the drawing. Sometime it give a totally different feeling of the drawing even the brightness and dark are just slightly a bit different.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Prom Ticket

The prom ticket is finally out. Not bad, all the word can be seem clearly. It function not only a ticket, but also as a memorable pamphlet.
This is a good one to print the ticket on such paper, it's hard and firm enough to make it as a pamphlet/booklet. The design is suitable to function as a drawing on a booklet or a card.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Poster and ticket made for my friend prom. I myself like the theme but not very like the final design. It's quite simple and the poster is not attractive enough. The wording for the poster is unclear but since it is to be print on large format, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Ticket Front
Ticket Back

Making A Simple Illustration With Mix Media

This show how to make a simple illustration with mix media method. (handrawn and then photoshop)

First we need to have a handrawn drawing. I painted this with water color. After that take the photo of the drawing like above. The photo is took by me using my K800i (3.2 mega pix).

Then put it into computer, on your photoshop. Cut off the unwanted part. Add effect, depend how what feeling you want. On this photo, I added blur effect. Color adjusted by curve and brightness and contrast. Very simple.

Finally, adjust the picture, make it straight. Add frame and name. Done.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Very long time since when I haven't been update my blog. Real busy for the projects and enjoying life. Finally, all the semester passed and I had completed my Second Year of Architecture. BA2 ARCH. Had learn so many things during the past 8 months, in my personal, skill, work and social. So now just let me show off my glory work in the past 8 months until now.

Children Study Centre

Don't know what happen, another 2 presentation for this project can't be upload.

A Fish Market and Restaurant.

Got no idea why the presentation can't be upload. Maybe the size is too large. But will upload it later after I resize it.